Saturday, November 29, 2014

"Education in Politics" Quotes

Quote 1: "People are naturally curious. They are born learners. Education can
either develop or stifle their inclination to ask why and to learn." (pg. 12)
This quote explains that people are curious, and by asking questions their knowledge is able to grow and flourish. As teachers, it is their job to encourage learning and questions, and if they do not then they are not truly educating their students. Education isn't merely the memorization of facts, but instead learning how things work and why. Without questioning, students can't become critical thinkers, and the curriculum isn't politically neutral. Teachers help their students make sense of their education and the world around them. A curriculum that doesn't allow for questioning shows the students there is no room for growth and change, and everything around them is fine the way it is. Which is false, because there is always room for improvement and the kids in school now will be the future reformers.

Quote 2: "Education is more than facts and skills. It is a socializing experience that helps make the people who make society." (pg. 15)
This quote explains that education is more than just facts, its about the socialization process of young kids as well. Kids grow and learn from the people around them and not just from learning about facts for a test. By learning about the arts, and proper sportsmanship in P.E., it makes kids educated in a more all around way. They learn how to be a productive member of society from watching others and learning how to properly communicate with them. By socializing kids properly, it makes for a better society in the future. In this video, Sir Ken Robinson talks about how a proper education needs to incorporate the arts, and humanities. He also focuses on the "No Child Left Behind Act", and why it is not effective for such a diverse country. He says teachers are the "lifeplug" of schools, and he is right. Teachers completely influence the way the children of this country will be, and they need to prepare these kids to become proper and influential members of society.

Quote 3: "Schools need to be defended, as an important public service that educates students to be critical citizens who can think, challenge, take risks, and believe that their actions will make a difference in the larger society." (pg. 16)
This quote explains that schools are important, and they need to continue to challenge students if they want to better the society in which we live. Students need to be challenged at school in order to broaden the knowledge they take in and already know about the world, themselves, and the infinite possibilities. A teacher must lead the class in discovering how to become a member of society and how to make things better in the future. This video talks about how the education system is made for the past, and that we must rise with it. We must adapt our curriculum to meet the world we face today in order to be successful.


  1. interesting take by posting quotes

  2. I love all the quotes you chose to use and they really work!

  3. I really love the third quote you used, because it shows the true value of what a school should be and how its students should flourish because of it.

  4. I really loved the 2nd video because it explained the essence of me, my beliefs and values as a teacher and a person. Thank you.

  5. I really liked your second quote because I think the more we start/continue "teaching to the test" we are making education all about the facts and skills. There is so much focus on this that we lose sight of the importance of teaching socialization skills to society's future leaders.

  6. I think the quotes you picked, really define the article. I also really enjoyed the videos you posted!
